
Do Hard Things Conference Philippines

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Challenge: One Generation, One Big Change

Our pastor at Messiah College presented us with a challenge during one of our classes a few days ago. We were reviewing the Filipino values. Some of them are positive, such as Close Family Ties, Politeness, Hospitality, Gratitude. Some are negative, such as the "Come-What-May" Attitude, Flattery, the "Macho Complex" in men, and the "Martyr Complex" in women. Some, on the other hand are neutral, such as the strong Religious beliefs (more often than not, a false religion). What struck us most, however, were the "lost" values: Patriotism. Word of Honor. Bayanihan Spirit (helping your "neighbors"), and many more.

We can sit back and regret what has long been gone, the pastor told us. But we can also decide to do something about it.
It only takes one generation, he said. One generation to turn things around for the bad or for the good. That got us thinking. What if...? What if we decided to work together to create an impact, first in our school, then our churches, and then the whole nation? What if we brought back the lost values? What if we did something to redirect the lives of the youth? Yes, it's a big change, it's a big move, but it takes only one generation.
We must realize, however, that it has to start in us. "Be the change you want to see," Gandhi said. People won't change until they see that we are changing. They won't pay attention to you if you don't do it first. You have to do it first.

We have a choice: we can sit back in our chairs and relax, thinking "The next generation can do it." Or, we can be the generation that accepts the challenge and faces the opportunities with a the purpose of creating an impact.

The challenge? Be the change. Bring back the lost values. Pray desperately for our countries and our people. And be the salt and light of the world.
It's a big thing, but with God, nothing is impossible.

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