
Do Hard Things Conference Philippines

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Resolution and Rebelution

The new year is slowly unfolding before us and soon it will just quietly slip before our eyes and will become the old year. It's a new year, new month, and a new day everyday in the fresh of the year. Almost everything in time is new. America's got a new president, people have new clothes and had new friends over the holidays, new school term and like everything else is new. That includes resolutions which I bet are renewed every year by some traditional new year's resolution sticklers. Though I am not interested in resolutions on New Years nor do I make it on a traditional basis, I felt led to read Jonathan Edwards' Teenager's Resolutions again. Reading it again was thought-provoking and it somewhat refreshed me of what I should prioritize. Jonathan Edwards, a man of integrity, charity, and humility is one of those historic Christian figures that the youth today should look up to.

Reading Edwards' Resolutions in The Rebelution also presented a New Year's gift for me. As I read Part 1-10, I happened upon an inconspicuous link. I clicked it and was transported to another page. I had to admit that seeing that page brought tears to my eyes. It was the The Rebelution in its old generic Blogger template. Happening upon that link gave me the chance to look back on how God has mightily used that site to change young people's lives around the world, including mine. Before I found The Rebelution, I thought I was already doing great being a youth officer for the region but I was so wrong. There was so much more that He wants me to attempt and it's not about feeling great in the ministry. It's about giving back the honor and glory due His Name in everything I do. It's all about submitting to humility and charity all the time, that in it His name will be glorified above all.

The Rebelution has challenged me to raise the bar and do more than what is expected of teens' immaturity and incompetence. For the past few years, The Rebelution has undergone changes and upgades. From a generic Blogger template, it has become a full-blast website with a forum and resource page; The Rebelution's cry was written down in book form a year ago; thousands of teens refocused their lives in Rebelution conferences and it's continually changing teens' lives through Do Hard Things. I could say that God has blessed The Rebelution. It has grown so much. And I've grown so much.

Jonathan Edwards' Resolution and The Rebelution gave me the chance to look back and be inspired to make a written resolution not just for the New Year but for the rest of the changing times ahead. My resolution might not be as detailed as Jonathan Edwards' nor Brett's 2005 resolutions but I am resolved that it shall be the basis of any future resolution I make.


I Am Resolved that I shall acknowledge only Him above all in everything I do, and bearing that in mind, I shall only do things that count for eternity.

  • Things that have an eternal impact for the sake of the gospel (Mark 14:8-10, Acts 20:24))
  • Things that shall advance His kingdom (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
  • Things that will bring glory and honor to His name alone(1Corinthians 10:31)

If ever I be found unfaithful even for a moment to this resolution, and future resolutions I make, I shall willingly and humbly accept His punishment for my ill and unfaithful conducts.

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